Microwave safety equipment for industrial applications of microwave technologies
Field of application of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) energy in industry, agriculture, medicine is expanding. At the same time, the number of companies and institutions using advanced microwave technologies (MT) is increasing. However besides of improving a process efficiency and product quality, EMR is able to hurt human organism and environment. Thus, a necessity arises to equip the personnel dealing with MT with a special equipment aimed at ensuring the safety of a certain workplace and the ecological state of environment.
The paper analyzes the state-of-the-art in EMR control techniques, in Ukraine and abroad. The information on the products of the companies leading in this field such as Microwave-Narda (USA), General Microwave (USA) is given. They produce personal radiation detectors with a threshold light and audio indication, fixed area control sensors, radiation dosimeters, induced current monitors and small-size radiation meters, isotropic probes, etc. The efficient range of this equipment covers a wide frequency spectrum from 3 kHz to 44 GHz, and their variety enables one to take fully into account the personnel operation specificity in the areas with potentially dangerous EMR levels. Technical parameters and capabilities of these devices correspond to the Standards of IEEE C 95.1-1991 and Recommendations of the IEEE C95.3-1991, which are accepted in the leading countries of the world. A noticeable lag in solving the problems of the MT application safety is observed in Ukraine and other countries of the former USSR. First of all, it is necessary to establish a National Program on MT development. Further, for a successful usage of MT it is necessary to develop the national standards for the microwave units and systems for industrial applications, and to adopt the national standards on the terms and symbols. This will be a serious basis for designing and organization of the serial production of the equipment ensuring MT safety. The important stage of the work carried out in this direction should be the creation of the state testing centers for the microwave units and systems certification.