Adaptive compensation of quick and slow fadings signals in radio links of tropospheric scatter communications


  • Vladymyr I. Rudakov Central Research and Development Institute of Armament and Military Engineering, Ukraine



The large reflector antennas of radio links (RL) of tropospheric scatter communications (TSC) are characterized by antennas gain (AG), equal to 40-49 dB, that ensures sufficiently high receiving signal levels, but is a subject of significant influence of mechanism of long-distance tropospheric propagation (L-DTP) of radiowaves. It is known, that reliability of RL TSC depends on the signal level, which fluctuates according to laws of quick and slow fadings.

In this article one method of the adaptive compensations of quick and slow fading of signals in RL L-DTP according to [1], considered in adaptive losses compensations of AG of reflector antennas, is considered.


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Antennas for communications and broadcasting