Strength calculations of radio-transparence covers and radoms with constructive heterogeneites


  • Leonid B. Lerman Institute of Surface Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine



The most complete information of the deformation of composites can be obtained only when allowance is made for their elastic interaction with different elements of the mechanical system. In this case the loads which act to separate elements do not set a priori but should be determined during process of solving of the problem. Some specific methods of calculations have already been developed for shallow shells on restangular and circular plan [1-5]. In this works the problems to determining dynamic responses, dynamic and static contact stresses that occur on longitudinal rigid support as well as determining fundamental oscillation frequencies (FOF) have been solved. The solving of these problems have been received on the base of different variants of improved shell theories taking into account an ortotropy and a shear strain. Unlike traditional approaches, this method realises the possibility of calculating, along with the normal reactions, reactive moments and tangential forces.


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Lerman, L.B. Calculation of the strain characteristics parabolic glass plastic shells. Pricl. Mech., 1993, Vol. 29, No. 4, P. 55-60.

Lerman, L.B. Oscillation of flat layered shells with local elastic supports. Pricl. Mech., 1994, Vol. 30, No. 2, P. 55-60.

Lerman, L.B. Determining dynamic responses in elastic deformable systems possessing intermediate supports and affected by pulse loads. Pricl. Mech., 1995, Vol. 31, No. 5, P. 48-54.

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