Calculation of cutoff wave numbers in the waveguides of rectangular cross section with rounded corners


  • Nataliya G. Kolmakova (Don) Usikov Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Anatoliy A. Kirilenko Usikov Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Anatoly Ye. Poyedinchuk Usikov Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Vladimir I. Tkachenko Usikov Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine



boundary integral equation, rounded corners


This paper presents a method of calculation of cutoff wave numbers and natural mode field functions in waveguides of rectangular cross section with rounded corners. The method is based on a solution of boundary integral equations of the potential theory. A special parametrization of the contour bounding the waveguide cross section is proposed.


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Microwave components and circuits, fiber-optic links