Statistical simulation of random antennas as a development of the statistical antenna theory


  • Oleg N. Maslov Povolzhkiy State University of Telecommunication and Information, Russian Federation
  • A. S. Rakov Povolzhkiy State University of Telecommunication and Information, Russian Federation
  • A. A. Silkin Povolzhkiy State University of Telecommunication and Information, Russian Federation



random antennas, statistical simulation modeling method, electro-magnetic compatibility and security


Possibilities that give statistical simulation modeling (SSM) method for study of random antennas (RA) properties within the bounds of the statistical antenna theory (SAT) to provide their electromagnetic compatibility and information security are discussed in the report. The findings of investigation of RA operating in harmonic, noise, pulse and radio-impulse mode are represented. SSM-models of RA in the form of discrete array and rectangular aperture are considered. Initial data for SSM are probability distributions of amplitude, phase, time-base and geometric errors – correlated as well as uncorrelated. Output data are realizations of RA directional pattern as well as power budget levels.


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