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Landau Yu. A. Osnovnye tendentsii razvitiya gidroenergetiki Ukrainy [The main trends in the development of hydropower in Ukraine]. Nauchnye raboty. Kharkov. 2014, vol. 53, issue 40, pp. 82–86.
Ryabenko O. A., Klyukha O. O., Tymoshchuk V. S. Rol' HAES v roboti enerhosystem [The role of PSP in the operation of power systems]. Vymiryuval'na ta obchyslyuval'na tekhnika v tekhnolohichnykh protsesakh. Kyiv. 2014, no. 2, pp. 167–170.
Kucheryava I. M., Sorokina N. L. Shlyakhy rehulyuvannya hrafikiv navantazhennya ta upravlinnya spozhyvannyam elektrychnoyi enerhiyi [Ways of adjusting load schedules and controlling the consumption of electric energy]. Hidroenerhetyka Ukrayiny. 2007, no. 4, pp. 36–44.
Sinyugin V. Yu., Magruk V. I., Rodionov V. G. Gidroakkumuliruyushchie elektrostantsii v sovremennoy elektroenergetike [Pumped-storage power plants in modern power industry]. Moscow, ENAS Publ., 2008. 352 p.
Tikhomirova N. V. GAES na razvivayushchemsya energorynke: innovatsii i investitsii [PSP in the emerging energy market: innovation and investment]. Gidrotekhnicheskoe stroitel'stvo. 2005, no 6, pp. 30–37.
Kolychev V. A., Drankovskiy V. E., Marakhovskiy M. B. Raschet gidrodinamicheskikh kharakteristik napravlyayushchikh apparatov gidroturbiny [Calculation of the hydrodynamic characteristics of the wicket gate of the hydraulic turbine]. Kharkov, NTU "KhPI" Publ., 2002. 216 p.
Kolychev V. A., Mironov K. A., Tyn'yanova I. I. Raschet i analiz balansa poter' energii v vysokonapornoy radial'no-osevoy gidravlicheskoy turbine [Calculation and analysis of the energy loss balance in a high-head Francis hydroturbine.]. Skhidno-Yevropeys'kyy zhurnal peredovykh tekhnolohiy. 2005, no. 1/2 (13), pp. 95–106.
Kolychev V. A., Mironov K. A., Tyn'yanova I. I. Obshchie zakonomernosti rabochego protsessa i ikh primenenie dlya rascheta i analiza energeticheskikh kharakteristik gidroturbin [General regularities of the working process and their application for the calculation and analysis of the energy characteristics of hydroturbines]. Skhidno-Yevropeys'kyy zhurnal peredovykh tekhnolohiy. 2006, no. 4/3 (22), pp. 54–64.
Drankovskiy V. E., Rezvaya K. S. K raschetu gidrodinamicheskikh kharakteristik vysokonapornoy obratimoy gidromashiny v turbinnom rezhime raboty na osnove matematicheskogo opisaniya ee rabochego protsessa [To the calculation of the hydrodynamic characteristics of a high-head reversible hydraulic machine in a turbine mode of operation based on a mathematical description of its operation]. Bulletin of the National Technical University "KhPI". Series: Hydraulic machines and hydraulic units. Kharkiv, NTU "KhPI" Publ., 2015, no. 3, pp. 125–129.
Rezvaya K., Krupa Е., Drankovskiy V., Potetenko O., Tynyanova I. The numerical reseach of the flow in the inlet of the high-head hydraulic turbine. Bulletin of the National Technical University "KhPI". Series: New solution in modern technologies. Kharkiv, NTU "KhPI" Publ., 2017, no. 7 (1229), pp. 97–102. doi: 10.20998/2413-4295.2017.07.13
Drankovsiy V. E., Khavrenko M. Yu. Opredelenie raschetnykh parametrov vysokonapornykh obratimykh gidromashin [Determination of design parameters of high-pressure reversible hydraulic machines]. Bulletin of the National Technical University "KhPI". Series: Hydraulic machines and hydraulic units. Kharkiv, NTU "KhPI" Publ., 2016, no. 20 (1192), pp. 81–84.
Drankovskiy V. E., Rezvaya K. S., Krupa Е. S. Сalculating three-dimensional fluid flow in the spiral casing of the reversible hydraulic machine in turbine mode. Bulletin of the National Technical University "KhPI". Series: Hydraulic machines and hydraulic units. Kharkiv, NTU "KhPI" Publ., 2016, no. 20 (1192), pp. 53–57.
Dedkov V. N. Opredelenie raschetnykh parametrov obratimykh gidromashin dlya diapazona naporov N = 70–700 m [Determination of the design parameters of reversible hydraulic machines for the range of head H = 70–700 m]. Problemy mashinostroeniya. 2008, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 7–11.
Seleznev V. N. Raschetnoe opredelenie energeticheskikh kharakteristik radial'no-osevoy nasos-turbiny na osnove trekhmernogo modelirovaniya techeniya zhidkosti [Calculated determination of the energy characteristics of a radial-axial pump turbine based on three-dimensional modeling of fluid flow]. Izvestiya Samarskogo nauchnogo tsentra Rossiyskoy akademii nauk. 2013, vol. 15, no. 4–2, pp. 583–587.
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Starodubtsev Y. V., Gogolev I. G., Solodov V. G. Numerical 3D model of viscous turbulent flow in one stage gas turbine and its experimental validation. Journal of Thermal Science. 2005, vol. 14, pp. 136–141.
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Stefan D., Rudolf P. Proper Orthogonal Decomposition of Pressure Fields in a Draft Tube Cone of the Francis (Tokke) Turbine Model. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2015, vol. 579.